E19 - Your host Tom Bender shares his story
Your host Tom Bender shares his story of the loss of his son Jeff & what has happened since. Very sorry to Michael G. Reccia, I pronounced his name wrong. The last name is pronounced "Ray-Cha"
Links related to the episode:
David Kessler's site: www.grief.com
Helping Parents Heal: www.helpingparentsheal.org
Helping Fathers Heal Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelpingFathersHeal
Michael G. Reccia's YouTube Channel for learning how to meditate: https://www.youtube.com/@step-by-stepcourseinhigher2727
Link to support Heroes in Grief: https://buymeacoffee.com/heroesingrief
Tom's email: tom@heroesingrief.com
Heroes in Grief: www.heroesingrief.com
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