E18 - Grief Recovery Specialist/Grief Coach Gina Waterman
Gina Waterman is a certified Grief Recovery Specialist and Grief Coach who walks people through the Grief Recovery Method®, an evidence-based program that eases your emotional pain and shows you healthier ways to cope with life transitions. Her insights into grief and loss run deep. She has overcome emotional and physical pain that overlapped with her full-time family caregiving responsibilities (for her son with autism and brain trauma). After her divorce 6 years ago, she found GRM and it was so transformative that she decided to get certified and take it to the community. She specializes in caring for caregivers, knowing how much unresolved grief affects the entire family.
For over 15 years, Gina has been an active advocate in the DFW disability community, always looking for ways to connect the silos of support groups (autism, Down Syndrome, IDD). She is sought after for her expertise in navigating divorce and special needs, helping children grieve, and co-parenting ‘with a side of autism.’
She has a B.S. in Technical Communication from the Rochester Institute of Technology. Gina worked in the oil and gas business both in Tech Comm and software training for over 15 years. Originally from New Jersey, she has lived in Dallas since 2002.
Episode links:
Grief Recovery Method: https://www.griefrecoverymethod.com/grms/gina-perales-waterman
Grief Recovery Method programs: https://www.griefrecoverymethod.com/our-programs
Loss of Life Advocates: Grief Help in Texas | LOLA
Feeling Free Again podcast by Cole James, President of Grief Recovery Institute: https://www.youtube.com/@Griefrecoverymethod
Gina's email: movingpastgrief@gmail.com
Heroes in Grief: www.heroesingrief.com
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