E21 - Dolores Cruz & Anne-marie Taplin of Helping Parents Heal
Tom, Dolores & Anne-marie discuss the book Shining Light Parents Speak from Helping Parents Heal.
What are the odds that the four mothers behind this book (all formerly strangers) each have a son ‘on the other side’, who passed in a single-vehicle vehicle accident?
A hopeful new book launched at the annual conference for non-profit grief support group, Helping Parents Heal Inc, will help thousands of parents globally who have lost a child – as well as many others living with profound grief.
Based on interviews with 130 parents around the world, the book was created by four ‘shining light’ parents who have each had children cross over, and published by Mark Pitstick MA DC,1 who has a long-term interest in afterlife research.
A child’s passing is said to be the most difficult of all losses, and yet these 130 ‘shining light parents have each managed to infuse their lives with meaning, love, joy and grace.
Some have lost multiple children; others have lost only children – all precious souls who continue to communicate and make their presence known from the other side.
Free Kindle download of the book until 10/1//24: https://amzn.to/3ztnRmG
Anne-marie's links:
Instagram at artforharry_by_annemarie (www.instagram.com/artforharry_by_annemarie/)
TikTok at Art for Harry (www.tiktok.com/@artfofnhf9k)
Dolores' link:
Website: https://www.doloreslookaround.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dolores-cruz-9505054b/
Blog: https://doloreslookaround.blogspot.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dolorescruzauthor/
Book: Look Around: A Mother's Journey from Grief and Despair to Healing and Hope
Book: A Bird Called Wisdom: Poems on Grief, Transformation, and Renewal
Helping Parents Heal: www.helpingparentsheal.org
Mark Pitstick: Soul Proof - If you really knew, how would you live?
Suzanne Giesemann: www.suzannegiesmann.com
Heroes in Grief: www.heroesingrief.com
Contact Tom: tom@heroesingrief.com
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