Episode 16

Published on:

11th Aug 2024

E16 Mark Howell & The Markus Project

Tom & Mark have an entertaining discussion about Mark's journey and his son Markus.

A little about Mark...

On November 3rd, 2000, my life changed forever when I got the phone call informing me that my son Markus had been in a serious car accident, and we needed to get to the hospital ASAP.

I was 41 years old and owned a successful business in general aviation. I am a licensed aircraft mechanic with inspection authorization by the FAA. I have ratings and certificates to operate multi engine aircraft in instrument conditions. I have worked in research and development for various projects in aviation and have also assisted in the investigations of several fatal aircraft accidents. Things must make sense to me on a scientific and practical level proven by facts and evidence.

I have spent a lot of time researching how any of the events following the phone call could make sense on any level. I still have questions however I have found a lot of scientific data and enough consistent circumstantial evidence.

Is it possible that us parents who have a child depart before us are given an opportunity to explore a fascinating though scary world where the real truth lies?

The main link to the Markus Project: https://cardinaltoys.com/collections/themarkusproject

The Markus Project on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheMarkusProject

More about Mark's beliefs:




Heroes in Grief: www.heroesingrief.com

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Heroes in Grief
Inspiring people who have done purposeful things with their grief.
I am a bereaved father, a bereaved son, a bereaved brother & a bereaved friend. Listening to other people's stories of how they cope with their death losses has almost always given me useful tools to use in my journey.
The purpose of Heroes in Grief is the same. It is my sincere hope that hearing the remarkable things that grieving people have done to honor their loved ones, or maybe just to cope will encourage you as well.
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